Dr Sandrine Atallah is a consultant in sexual medicine, a certified psychosexologist and a hypnotherapist.

She graduated as a Medical Doctor from the Saint Joseph medical Faculty. She then obtained her degree in clinical sexology from René Descartes University, Paris V, Faculty of Medicine, and her degree in Medical Hypnosis from Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris VI, Faculty of Medicine. She is a certified hypnotherapist and hypnoanalgesist from the French Institute of Hypnosis. She has also qualified as a Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine. She is a EFS & ESSM Certified Psycho-Sexologist.

Along with her private medical practice in sexology and hypnosis in Beirut at La Clinique du Levant and at AUBMC, she teaches Human Sexuality at several Lebanese universities (Saint Joseph medical Faculty in Beirut and the Lebanese American University).

Member of the Middle East Society of Sexual Medicine (MESSM), she was its secretary general and the chairman of its Public Awareness Committee.

Member at large of the ISSM (International Society for Sexual Medicine), she is also a board member of the Société Francophone de Médecine Sexuelle (SFMS).

Actively working on promoting sexual health in the Middle East, she has participated in the development of the MESSM public information website.

Among her social media activities, she was the chair of the ISSM Communication Committee. She was the social media editor of the MESSM and the social media coeditor of the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Dedicated to spreading sexual awareness, she is the editor and the host of "Hakeh Sareeh", a podcast show produced by Hakawati, an Arabic podcasting platform.

She co-founded Metle Metlik alongside Dr. Gael Abou Ghannam, a pioneering digital platform dedicated to the educational empowerment and support of Arabic-speaking women in their sexual and reproductive health. This platform serves as a vital resource, offering accessible and culturally sensitive information to enhance women's well-being in these crucial areas.

She is the editor and host of “Sexual Health” Web videos for several Web TV and educational websites along with her own YouTube channel  and social media platforms.

She co-edited and co-hosted "Lezim Taaref", a TV Show for LBCI, Lebanon.

She is a regular guest/speaker at local and international conferences and seminars related to sexual medicine, sexual health and sexual awareness.

Her clinical practice mainly includes medical treatment of sexual dysfunctions as well as sextherapy and sex counseling services to men, women and couples to help them sort out their sexual problems such as orgasm difficulties, ejaculatory and erectile dysfunctions, desire issues, and pain during sexual intercourse.