"Clinical sexology is based upon an action oriented approach that facilitates growth and the management of sexual issues by providing permission, information and suggestions to the client” Dr Ruppel

A clinical sexologist offers sex counseling to help people understand and accept themselves as sexual beings and meet their sexual goals. His first aim is to maintain a broad perspective by taking into consideration factors such as biological, psychological, sociological when addressing sexual issues.

The following are common concerns that a clinical sexologist deals with:

  • Lack of or reduced desire or arousal
  • Difficulty maintaining arousal
  • Erectile dysfunctions
  • Difficulty reaching orgasm
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Sexual phobia
  • Vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles leading to impossible penetration)
  • Dyspareunia and sexual pain
  • Unconsummated marriages
  • Feeling abnormal (in terms of sexual behavior, fantasy, capability, orientation, etc.)
  • Feeling uninformed or misinformed about sex
  • Feeling inexperienced or unskilled
  • Feeling ashamed of sexuality or sexual desires
  • Feeling negative about one's body
  • Discrepant desires between/ among partners
  • Sexual orientation identity (straight, gay, bisexual, etc.)
  • Dealing with infidelity
  • Difficulty communicating sexual needs and desires
  • Finding satisfying sexual activities after surgery, a health crisis, ongoing health challenges or limited mobility
  • Maintaining intimacy and satisfying sexual activities during pregnancy and parenthood
  • Sexual compulsion and addiction
  • Paraphilias (fetishism, voyeurism, tranvestism…)
  • Seeking resources (including finding like-minded people)